Friday 12 October 2012

healthy body healthy mind

Healthy Body Healthy Mind
A sound body is the most splendid
A sound body is the most splendid treasure a man can cherish. A sound body means that you are so splendidly strong and well that you can bear the roughest experiences without becoming ill. The body is a living thing to be put out in the air and the sunshine.
One wants to build up one's mind, one must build up first the body
The more roughly you treat your body, the stronger will it be. Physical harmony is an index and expression of a harmonious mind. If one wants to build up one's mind, one must build up first the body. Man has a body as well as  a mind.
Neglect of one is bound to have adverse effect on the other.
So intimate is the relationship between the two that the neglect of one is bound to have adverse effect on the other. And so, a harmonious development of both, or, in other words, a sound mind in a sound body should be the aim of every man.
Health of one is the Health of the other,
   The mind and the body are inter-related, health of one is the health of the other, and the ills of one are the ills of the other.
 The sounder the body, the sounder the mind that resides in it
The sounder the body, the sounder the mind that resides in it. A healthy man is always neglect of one is bound to have adverse effect on the other. happy. He feels inclined to work. He feels inclined to serve others. A man with a sound body is full of optimism. He goes ahead. He presses on and on. Nothing can daunt him. Nothing can handicap him and nothing can frustrate him.
Strong body has strong mind
He is enthusiastic and energetic. He radiates health, hope and happiness wherever he goes. He is loved and liked by one and all. He makes friends wherever he goes. He moves mountains. He gets over all difficulties and hurdles. His strong mind fears none.
Mind of man with shattered is full of sorrow
The mind of a man with shattered body and health is always full of pessimism and sorrow. He has no heart to do anything. He likes to mope and whine in a corner. He tells his sad tale of woe to everybody he meets. He has no hope and sunshine to scatter. Life has no charm for him. He is sick of it. He feels disgusted with it. His mind is diseased. His enthusiasm is dead. He is no better than a dead man.
Child has sound body and sound mind so he is always  happy
A child has a sound body and consequently a sound mind. He is always happy. He smiles his way into the heart of everybody. Everybody feels drawn and attracted towards him. Who does not want to love and fondle him? Who does not like to kiss his sweet, angelic face? His very sight, his movements, his innocent prattle, fill even the gloomiest heart with joy.
Old man has shattered body with no taste for anything
On the other hand, take the case of an old man, with shattered health, toothless mouth, sunken eyes and shriveled skin. He always talks of death. He is completely disillusioned. For him the world is a vale of tears. He does not like his own wife and children. He has no taste for anything. He condemns one and all.
\A man with diseased body  
 only a man with a sound body can enjoy real contentment and true peace of mind. A man with a diseased body is never in a happy and contented state of mind. He is always complaining and grumbling. His mind is seldom at peace. For him life is a burden.
Disease and functions
(a)A man may be very rich but he cannot enjoy his riches if he is always sick. A judge may be very able but he cannot play his part efficiently if he is constantly worried by one bodily ailment or another
  ( b )The head of a State may be the ablest man in the world but he cannot function effectively if he is constantly tormented by some disease. A doctor may be the best physician or surgeon but he is of no use to society if due to his illness, he cannot attend to his work in the hospital for more than two days in a week
"A nation of healthy and bright young men and women is an asset.
However rich or educated a person may be, if he is physically harassed, life becomes something of a burden to him. "A nation of healthy and bright young men and women is an asset to our modern human civilization.

Citizens of tomorrow, as the students of today are called, shall have to combine a healthy physique with a healthy intellect. The trophies of success have been won by those young men and women who laid emphasis on oft-quoted dictum 'healthy body healthy mind'."

Sunday 16 September 2012

English as Medium of Instruction

                                                  English as Medium of Instruction

Urdu is our national is spoken and understood all over Pakistan .But at the same time English is also taught in our schools and colleges from class one to graduate level as a compulsory the questions arise .why should we study English? why should our students waste much of their time in learning this foreign language? why does it enjoy a special staus in our country? in fact English has risen in world esteem for many kinds of reasons political .ecnomics.soical and literary.there are eight kinds of answers given to these questions.

1)Language of Internatinal Communication:
English has achieved the status of the language of Internatinal is the only widely spoken language in the world in 75 territories of the world .its holds a special place.About 1800 million people use english throughout the pakistan about 16 million people use this language. International trade and business are carried out in is the language of is one of the language used in the UNO.The travellers,tourists and advertising agencies use this language. it is also the language of International air traffic control.We can study world literature through translation if we know english.

2)Language of Science and Technology:
english is language of science and tecnology.most of the scientific and technological information in the world is expressed in english .technological and scientific terminoalogy is avaliable only in english without english ,we cannot have excess to this information .we will lose contact with this great source of knowledge.

3)Language of Computer:
Modern age is the age of computer.Our 8o% of all the information stored in computers is in english .even if we run an urdu programme,we will have to give command in english then there are the facilities of internet and Email available on computers.without English.we cannot avail ourselves of these facilities we will be left behind.

4)Language of higher education:
In pakistan up to intermediate level,the medium of instrution is urdu ,but when the students go for higher education ,the medium changes to english .in medical colleges engineering college banking training institutes,the medium of instruction is english those having no command of english have to face a great difficulty

5)Langugae of Higher Examinations:
Higher Examinations in pakistan are conducted through the medium of examinations CSS,PCS,Banking Diploma.Army,Airforce,english is the medium in most of the subjects.

6)Language of High Offices and Courts:
In higheroffices,office business is carried out in english.There english is the medium of correspondence.even circulars in favour of urdu are issued in english.the judges of lower courts,high courts Supreme Court write their judgements in english.

7)Language of Entertainment:
English is the language of popular music.its is associated with advertising and is also the main language of satellite broadcasting,home computers and video games,Films of Internatinal fame are produced in english .Commentaries on international games and matches are broadcast in English.

8)An English_knowing person can have more chances of employment at home and abroad.he can get a job easily.he can fare well in computetive Examinations.He can proceed abroad with full confidence.
we may conclude that English is necessary and important in pakistan.The trend of the masses and our needs show that it would be an unfortunate day when we cut ourselves off from the lurning stream of ever growing knowledge .We should try to retain .English inPakistan.general analysis of the circumstances and efforts of government show that future of english in pakistan in bright.government has set up a language centers in Quetta university and an other in B,z university Multan.we need English basically in Order to survive in 21 st century and it is hoped that English will get an important places in our society.

Saturday 15 September 2012

Child hope of the Nation

Child plays a very pivotal role in building up of the nation.The entire success of the nation depends on the  child over there in general it has been seen that in countries.where the child are more aglie and pays their proper contribution towards their nation.)in the farm of getting complete and proper knowedge in all areas) they are more developed but it is also the responsibilty of government to provide the child proper facilties for getting equipped with knowledges of modern era.

*In other words,nation has born the child ,like MOLA ALI  a.s who has given the witness of being a messenger of Allah.Hazart Muhammad peace be upon him first from all.

*Nation has to born the such child like Hazart Esa who has given the statements,about his mother being pious.its is responsibilty of nation to born the child like Muhammad-Bin-Qasim.It is responsibilty of the nation to born the child like Muhammas -Ali-Jinnah who is the founder of the Pakistan.
Its is the duty of nation to born the child like Allama iqbal who has awaken the nation for thecause of Pakistan.
Its is the child strong and healthy, of sharp intelligent that will reach the lord,
This is the time to decide your future whie your possess the energy
Child  if  today can do marvellous job for nation.
If the child is trained and educated in right way manner,they will play very constructive role in the nation building.
Children are pillar of nation,they can change even stones to make them educated to have bright better future for Pakistan.     
Child are farmer their minds are meadows where they can sow the seed for knowledge.
Child are future.They should be supple and pliant.child should be filled with dogma and nationalism.
they should be ready to die for the nation without questioning why.
Child should bear the burdon of broken society.
Child in a word should prepare to become a doormates.
Where the nation clean itself to be pious.